First Baptist Church Winslow, Arizona
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411 N. Warren Avenue
Winslow, Arizona 86047
Office 928-289-2484
Fax 928-289-4743
Office Hours
We do not have regular office hours. Please call us and leave a message.
We will return your call. We are generally around in the mornings during the week.
You are welcome to worship with us either on site or on Facebook.
Sunday School Classes - 9:15 AM
Worship AM service - 10:30 AM Nursery available during worship. Facebook Live is available weekly. Previous services are found on Facebook and YouTube.
Twice Fed Sunday Evenings - 5:30 PM in the Activity Center.
Wednesday night - Bible Study - 6:00 PM in Rm 103A
Wednesday Night Youth - 7:15 PM in the Activity Center. (6 PM in the summer)
Children's Church - During worship.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel - First Baptist Church Winslow
Click on the links above and below to find us.
Listen Sunday at 11:00 AM on KINO radio. You will find Kino at 12.30 on the AM dial. The broadcast is on a one week delay. The previous week’s service will be broadcast.
Sunday morning service is broadcast live on Facebook, Sundays at 10:30 AM.